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Presentation is Everything!

When Your Documents Look Good,

You Look Good.

Kim Bardley Simmons



Typing Etc! Inc.
1341 North Wilke Road
Arlington Heights, IL 60004


Tel: 1.847.977.5800

Fax: 1.847-503.9133



Kim Bardley Simmons founded Typing Etc! Inc. in 1995. Typing Etc! provides typing services to small businesses, entrepreneurs, sole proprietors and people like you throughout the United States and Canada.


We believe the documents you present to your clients, potential clients, and the world at large reflect who you are and should always make a good impression. They should say you are professional, competent, organized and confident. And yes, a document can say all that!


Now is a great time to be a small business owner:

  • You no longer have to buy expensive stationery. We can create a letterhead template so you can print your own stationery!

  • You can use voice recognition software for dictation! However, you may need to have those documents formatted properly. We can do that for you.

  • You have an old document that you want retyped? We can use scan-to-text technology to make it affordable.


Kim started her career at Alexander Grant then moved on to Blackman Kallick; both companies are well-respected Chicago accounting firms. She then spent the next 10 years working as Executive Secretary to serial entrepreneur Dr. Bob Goldman and was instrumental in helping him and his colleague, Dr. Ronald Klatz, present the first annual American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine conference in November 1990. Since starting Typing Etc! in 1995, the bulk of Kim's work has been for attorneys, but her clients also include accountants, contractors, doctors, condominium associations, political organizations, insurance companies and people who on occasion need a professionally typed document.

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